Finding Your Sacred Space

I found my Sacred Space in Japan. When we hear Japan, it’s the animé, cosplay, ramen, glitzy Tokyo, Kobe beef and smart toilets with its heated seats (which I will miss). Japan is rich in history and culture. It’s no wonder they have a ton of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. What I will forever be grateful for on this short-lived trip, is that the Japanese value their traditions and rituals. They have great respect for others and are mindful of boundaries. They are aware of their roles within the family and society. Also, they have a high regard for their ancestors, Shintoism, which is one of two major religions practiced in Japan. Buddhism would be the other.

Buddhism has a special place in my heart. It is through Buddhist teachings that I found Loving Kindness and Radical Acceptance. I am not Buddhist as I was born in the Catholic faith. I value bible verses, Psalm 23 being one of them. I thought I related with Agnosticism but turned out to be Animism. There is a truth in ‘whatever floats your boat.’ In the end, it’s what really resonates with your Soul, your Spirit. It took a pandemic to allow ourselves to take a pause. We had Nature’s permission to take a break from the rat-race that is our technologically dependent lives. Because honestly, I don’t believe anyone one of us would’ve taken this extended leave from our daily routine of work-life balance. We’ve lost track of what’s important. And I found that to be what’s unique with the Japanese culture. They value both their past and their future. Their past drives their future as they continue to honor their ancestors’ legacy.

I set out to Japan with only two luggage. Because I know myself to be a pack-rat, I’ve been challenging myself to live a minimalist life. I find it difficult because I have attachment issues. When I channel Mari Kondo’s ‘Does this spark Joy?’ It’s always a ‘Yes! At one point in my life...’ which is not really the point of the exercise (I digress, haha).

I have a Witch’s Nook at my home in Sneads Ferry. It’s my Sacred Space as I lovingly named it. However, what I would learn in Japan is that our Sacred Space is not a location. Sure there’s value in heading over a shrine to honor your ancestors. Or to church when you’re in dire need of Mother Mary’s intercession. We forget that we bring Ourselves to these places. As I had said, when I left New York for Japan, people make a place.

It was difficult at first to adjust to my new place. I missed my altar that had my room sprays, candles, crystals and the images of Ganesha, Buddha. I had with me Saint Theresa’s image and my other beads. I also had two guardian angel decks, which Angela and I had newly purchased and unpacked prior to my leaving. That’s when she handed me The Four Agreements. I lacked my spiritual tools for Practice.

A few weeks after we launched Sacred Space 69, Angela was about to send me a package with some of our newly arrived products. The items were a Selenite Tower, a Selenite Plate, Candles with our Candle kit, Sage bundle, Palo Salto, our new Rockstar tees; and three crystal bracelets, Lapis Lazuli, Mutli-Tiger’s Eye and Carnelian. All three will be key to what I was alluding earlier, finding my Sacred Space.

Each and everyone of us have the potential to tap into our sacredness. The Oxford Dictionary defines Sacred as holy, religious or sacrosanct. For me, it’s sacrosanct I believe. Because we need to secure and protect ourselves. Ultimately, Sacredness is about Love.

I agree with Angela. There is a difference between Self-Care and Self-Love. Self-Care rituals are gestures of Self-Love. Furthermore, Self-Love leads to Self-Support and eventually Self-Relate. I circle back to my most recent article. Our most valuable Relationship, is our relationship to Ourselves.

As Venus goes Direct from her 6-week Retrograde, Let’s celebrate Love. Let’s celebrate Us! Let’s celebrate our Divine Feminine (yes, men too!)!

So this February, popularly known as Love month, Angela and I, challenge you to find your Sacred Space. Find what works best for you. Gather your tools from SS69 and dance with us around the fire, in Honor of our Collective Sacredness.

In Light and In Love,

February Love Sale
Japan Chronicles